🎉 200 Happy Students - 14-day Guarantee
Thom van der Kleij

"The course is a practical step by step way to setup an effective content strategy. Especially the workshops where they put things into practice are helpful once you start."

Thom van der Kleij

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James Londesborough

"The course is fantastic and amazing value for money! There are tons of new ideas and concepts I've never heard of before. Everything is presented really well too, easy to digest the content and und"


James Londesborough

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Nicolas Duchemin

"This course cuts straight to the chase with actionable strategies and templates to provide real value. The exercises, quizzes, and workshops help solidify the concepts. Even as a seasoned marketer, I'm still learning new things. It's a must-take for those serious about B2B content strategy!"


Nicolas Duchemin

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Florian Decludt

"I've been posting on LinkedIn for 3 years and have grown my audience to 50,000 followers over that span. Yet I've learned so much from this program. I wish I had it when I first started posting - it would have saved me at least 6 months of guesswork and trial and error. Content is the future of marketing and this is the best program out there to learn it."


Florian Decludt

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Eric Seclet

"Pierre has undoubtedly created the most concrete and actionable training in content marketing. The videos get straight to the point and the checklists/exercises allow for quick application. To train, it’s a no brainer."


Eric Seclet

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Stop Publishing Inconsistent Content All Over the Place;

With this Course, You Will Build Your Entire Content Ecosystem

Image slide up animated

Learn Content Marketing With 5 Video Modules

Get all my expertise and knowledge in dense videos with visuals and examples.

Image slide up animated

Apply the Strategy Right Away With 15 Checklists

Use the knowledge to take action for your business (step-by-step).

Pop-up animated graph of people

Get Support from Content Marketers on Slack

Ask questions, get guidance, and network in a kind community.

Buying Journey
Content Plan
Content Upgrade
Content Identity
Social Selling

Content Marketing is the Best Revenue Channel in 2024:

Get Visible
Build authority
Increase Trust
Build Demand
Ease Outbound

Start Now Before the Tactic is Flooded.

Multiple Channel Graph

At the end of the course you’ll know how to:

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Build and plan an industry specific content strategy
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Install a long term content creation system
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Create unique content that reinforces your positioning
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Craft content on Linkedin, Substack, Blog, Youtube
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Turn your content into a high ROI revenue channel
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Improve your content ecosystem with experimentation
About me

I'm Pierre Herubel

I'm a B2B Marketer and entrepreneur with 8 years of experience, I've worked on over 300 Marketing projects. I co-founded a business, scaled it to 7 figures, and then sold it. We went from $0 to $1M in one year and a half using content, social selling, and ABM.

During the past 2 years I’ve helped 75 clients (startups and corporate ventures) to build and execute their Marketing Strategy. Everyday, 65,000 people view my marketing content.

Creator with green circle backgroundLinkedIn RangeLinkedIn logoYouTube LogoSubstack LogoInstagram Logo
Creator with green background and triiger of social medias

Get Inbound Leads, Facilitate Outbound with Your Content Ecosystem

Module 1 animated with triggers and red background
Module 1: Strategy

Set up Your Content Strategy

Build the foundation of your content strategy. Without this groundwork, all the tactics you run will only be the noise before defeat. In this module, you’ll learn about audience targeting, customer buying journey, positioning, messaging, and content pillars.

  1. Audience analysis
  2. Customer buying journey
  3. Customer buying journey
  4. Manifesto and pillars
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Module 2: Plan

Ideate and Plan Your Content

Right before creating content, you need to plan your efforts. Discover the proprietary frameworks that helped me to bootstrap a 7-figure business and turn content into a massive revenue channel. In this module, you’ll learn about content plan, content formats, insights sources, and ideation process.

  1. Content plan on 5 layers
  2. Content formats overview
  3. Insights sources
  4. How to ideate content
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Module 2 animated with triggers and green background
Module 3 animated with triggers and yellow background
Module 3: Creation

Create Great Content With My Toolkit

This whole plan is useless if you don’t actually craft content. Access a set of best practices that will position your content as valuable and unique for your target audience. In this module, you’ll learn about content identity, copywriting, Linkedin channel, and repurposing principles.

  1. Content identity
  2. Copywriting 101
  3. Linkedin 101
  4. Repurposing principles
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Module 4: Monetization

Turn Content Into a Revenue Channel

Most B2B brands don’t see ROI on content. That’s because they are not applying the right techniques to monetize content and to build it as a revenue channel. In this module, you’ll learn about social selling, ABM-to content, audience monetization, and content upgrades.

  1. Social selling
  2. Content for ABM
  3. Audience monetization
  4. Content upgrades
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Module 4 animated with triggers and blue background
Module 5 animated with triggers and purple background
Module 5: Iteration

Test and Iterate With Your Content System

Creating content can be messy and unstructured. I will teach you how to organize your content efforts and connect them to your revenue objectives. In this module, you’ll learn about backlog planning, content KPIs, results analysis, and iteration principles.

  1. Experimentation backlog
  2. Content objectives and KPIs
  3. How to analyse content results
  4. Iteration principles
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Frequently asked questions

More questions: hello@pierreherubel.com

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In which case should I not buy this course?
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How can I be sure you are legit?
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What are the best practices?
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Is there any kind of support?
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Why should I buy this course?
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